About StorHub And The StorHub Vision

About StorHub Self Storage

StorHub is a leading self storage in Asia with operations across key gateway cities in the Asia Pacific region. Founded in Singapore in 2003, StorHub currently owns and manages facilities spanning over 6.8 million square feet of GFA and more than 70,000 storage units across key market in Australia, Greater China, Japa, Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea. We are committed to meeting the increasing demand for self storage among local residents by expanding our storage facilities across our networks. Our inaugural self storage facility in Australia which is located in Rouse Hill, Sydney, is just the beginning of our efforts to make self storage easily accessible to all. We plan to introduce many more facilities across the country in the years to come.

Our founder and Group CEO, Mike Hagbeck, who formerly managed Millers Self Storage in Australia has been a pioneer in the APAC self storage industry for more than 20 years. Mike was previously the CEO of four self storage companies across five markets since 2007. He is also the Founding Director of the Self Storage Association Asia.

Our Australian CEO Simon Degaris has more than two decades of property experience and a well-established background in storage acquisition and development across Australia and New Zealand. Simon is the former National Acquisition manager for Kennards Self Storage, a registered property valuer and founder of Self Storage Investments Australia, where he has used his expertise in the storage industry to support storage owners, operators, and investors.

StorHub Australia has the global backing of an established brand with 20 years in the storage industry and counting, with a local and highly experienced team leading its operations.

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